Chocolate Tree - Juan Carlo

Ecuador – Golden Bean 2014

Searching for the Golden Bean at the centre of the world

Arrived in Quito, Ecuador, yesterday at 10am. By 1pm I was eating Guinea pig at the centre of the world with our Ecuadorian partner…


Colombia – Manas Viejas 2014

Wild Cacao and eco-tourism in Colombia

An armed woman in camouflage outfit and shades looks me in the eye and asks in a no bullshit way if I am carrying more than $10,000 in cash, I say “no”, she says in a steel voice “Welcome to Colombia”.

Cacao pod

Peru – Marañón 2013

Day 1 Arrived in Lima. It’s big and noisy but not too hot, the people are gentle and friendly, and it’s cheap. Been listening to combi VW style vans packed with locals tooting through till the wee hours of the morning. What I can remember of Spanish has served us well so far. Will spend …

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